Law of attraction blog

Manifesting From an Observation Point of Lack
Posted: 1 week ago
Can You Still Manifest What You Want?When I talk about an observation point, I am thinking in terms of quantum....

The Power of the Subconscious Mind
Posted: 4 weeks ago
Manifesting With IntentYou may be forgiven for assuming the mind plays the biggest part when it comes to manifesting your...

Why I Don’t Manifest Anything Anymore
Posted: 7 months ago
Manifesting to me is effort, it’s pushing at something and expecting my reality to bend accordingly. The word itself evokes...

Neville Goddard’s Ask and it is Given
Posted: 9 months ago
Manifesting Neville’s way has become huge over the last few years. His teachings have been around way longer of course,...

What You Assume to Be True Becomes Fact
Posted: 10 months ago
What Are Assumptions?It is often said, change your assumptions and your reality will change according to those new assumptions. That...

Do People Have Free Will in Your Reality?
Posted: 1 year ago
Can You Manifest Someone to be Different?It’s the question I am asked most as a manifesting coach. Can you change...

What is the Law of Assumption
Posted: 1 year ago
How to Manifest Using This LawThe Law of Assumption suggests that you already feel as if you have your desire....

You Are Reality
Posted: 1 year ago
Probably a strange concept to get your head around. You are reality. There is not you and then reality. It is not...

Most Inspiring Specific Person Manifestation Success Stories
Posted: 2 years ago
Law of Attraction and Manifesting Specific PeopleHere, I have two success stories, each person did it in different ways. It’s...

The Law of Attraction, Manifesting and Quantum Physics
Posted: 2 years ago
Is there a scientific explanation for manifesting? Can it be explained by the laws of the strange science that is...

How to Permanently Change a Subconscious Belief
Posted: 2 years ago
Deleting outdated programs from the subconscious mindWhat is the subconscious? It’s the part of us that we can’t see on...

Neville Goddard – Feeling is the Secret
Posted: 2 years ago
Manifesting the Neville WayIf you are reading this post I am guessing you already know about Neville and his work....

The Law of Vibration
Posted: 2 years ago
How to Change Your Vibration to Change Your 3d RealityWhat is vibration exactly? All I can do is explain it...

The Way They Feel About You Depends on You
Posted: 2 years ago
It’s a very odd concept, but it appears to be the way life works. The way that a specific person...

Can You Manifest Someone to Fall in Love With You?
Posted: 2 years ago
Law of Attraction and Specific Person Manifesting ExplainedThe short answer is yes. I have done it. Unknowingly, but I did...

How to Ignore the 3D When Manifesting
Posted: 2 years ago
The Law of Attraction and ObservationWhen we want something or want a situation to change and we can see things...

Get Your Ex Back Book
Posted: 2 years ago
Manifest a Specific PersonOkay, so I have had a few requests from readers to write a post of manifesting your...

I Don’t Care What You Think
Posted: 2 years ago
How to Stop Caring What People Think Of YouWhen we care about how we are perceived by others we spend...

How to Get out of the Scarcity Mind-Set
Posted: 2 years ago
Change Your Mind-set PermanentlyIt’s easy for us to believe that there are a limited amount of things, opportunities and people...

How Can I Make the Law of Attraction Work Faster?
Posted: 2 years ago
This is such a common question. Possibly the most asked question. How can I manifest faster? Generally when someone asks...

Mind-Set Coaching UK
Posted: 2 years ago
Find a mind-set coach that inspires you to make long-term changesWhen it comes to mind-set, it can literally make or...