Evie Sparkes
Law of Attraction Coach & Author

When is a Law of Attraction Coach Right For Me?

By Evie Sparkes, 5 years ago

LOA Coach UK

Law of attraction coaching is a funny thing to get your head around isn’t it? Why would you pay someone to coach you in magic, because it’s not exactly a science is it? If that’s what you are thinking then you are right. From my own experience, LOA is different for everyone and to everyone. When we believe that we have to fit inside of a box that is made for the ‘real’ converts to this stuff, we start to think that we can’t do it alone. We need an expert to coach us through the madness. Yes, sometimes it feels like madness when you first get into LOA. You start to question your ability to make it work for you. Sure, everyone else can do it but you can’t seem to manifest one single thing.

But Aren’t You an LOA Coach?

Yes! In actual fact I am a certified life coach and LOA coach. I like to combine both styles to make something that works for each person. You are an individual, completely unique, and so what works for one may not work for you. It’s my job as a coach to get to know you, your personality and desires in order to provide you with the best possible advice so that you can start making the magic work. Thinking of it as magic was what finally kicked it all into motion for me.

Law of Attraction Zoom Sessions With Me

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The thing is, like I said, this isn’t an exact science. That is why I prefer to coach in my own unique way. My issue with charging lots of money for law of attraction coaching is this: I cannot say ‘Do this and you will get this result’ or ‘Do that and this will happen’ Why? Because we are all different. We have differing levels of attachment and what works for you may not work for another client. So my coaching services work like this: You can book a one hour Manifesting Zoom session with me or you can sign up for my 4 week email coaching program.

You can sign up as a member. You will have full access to my members area for just £10 per month. There are tutorial video’s as well as topic modules. On top of this, you get 1-2-1 support from me. When I say support, I mean you can email me when you get to a module that needs some clarification or you have a quick question.

Law of Attraction Coaching and Self-Study Costs: £10 per month all in. Seem too cheap? I get this a lot. It’s cheap because it’s good for you and works for me on numbers. So if I have 100 members at a time then financially I am covering my costs and time with email coaching and then some. All good!

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