Manifesting Neville’s way has become huge over the last few years. His teachings have been around way longer of course, but the interest in them now, is through the roof.
Ask and it is given is nothing new of course. It’s praying but with another name. I am not religious. I don’t believe in god in the conventional sense. I do, however, know there is something greater than this physical manifestation of us. What is it? I have no idea, and neither does anyone come to that. Sure, there are many theories out there, but they are of course, just that. Until we are shown a solid piece of evidence then all we can do is come up with some likely scenarios.
I don’t want to know. I prefer to come up with a theory that works for me and run with that. I love the mystery of it all.
It’s a futile exercise to embark on a quest to ‘know’ the truth, to uncover the mysteries of reality itself, because we just aren’t equipped to uncover such things.
I Thought Neville Goddard Was All About the Feeling
Neville spoke about feeling being the secret to manifestation and he is right, but there is an important point to mention here. The feeling is not necessarily an overwhelming emotion, it’s simply a directed energy. It can be so subtle that you don’t even notice it’s there.
Neville spoke about knowing what you want and asking for it. He also spoke about assuming you already have it, pretending if you like. Walking around feeling it as real in the moment, when you don’t have it yet. Now, that is a sticking point for many. Me included. I was hugely into Neville’s teachings back in the day, so I spent an inordinate amount of time ‘trying’ to feel it as real, trying to imagine I had it already. Sometimes I’d get a partial manifestation and so I’d assumed I was getting something sort of right, but then I’d try to perfect the skill, only to feel frustrated at myself for not being able to do better.
So I Don’t Have to Feel ‘As If?’
No, you really don’t. When you ask for something, you are already feeling it in the moment. Your clarity of intent is enough. Our words are energetic. So, when you state what you want, you are moulding energy into the form of your desire. I mean, of course, we may not be doing exactly that. I am sure that is not a very scientific explanation, but it is extremely helpful to think of your words in this way. You get what you have real clarity on because it is a pure energy. When we don’t really know what we want, we get a mixed bag.
Ask for it when you know what you want. Don’t ask for something until you know what it is. What are you asking? For me, it is my subconscious. I see it as the magic part of me, the part that can make stuff happen.
To sum this article up I’d say this: It should always be Your Way. Neville’s ideas were just that, ideas. He found a way that worked for him and wanted to pass it on to as many people as possible. When you see evidence of your beliefs come to life, you want everyone to share in that success. We can only talk about what has worked for us. For me, there are no rules. Feelings can be overwhelming, they can be subtle, they can be almost non existent. It’s the ‘pure’ element that is important, not the emotion. Just think about the things you have manifested either on purpose or not, and tell me you had an overwhelming feeling in each and every case. You see, you didn’t.
Arguably the most important part of the process is finding a way to let go of your desire. Whether that is forgetting about it, leaving it alone and letting reality bend for you, feeling exhausted with the trying, so you give up, believing it might never happen…it doesn’t matter how we get there, but a state of detachment on some level is required. To make this easier to understand: If you notice that for periods of time throughout your day, you do not have this desire in your conscious awareness at all, so that would be like it didn’t exist for you in those moments, then that is detachment. Thinking about it now and again or even a few times a day does not mean you are too attached for it to manifest. It’s not in how much we think about it, but how we feel when we do. But again, if mostly, you are just doing life in the moment, you are detached enough.