Evie Sparkes
Law of Attraction Coach & Author

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

By Evie Sparkes, 1 month ago

Manifesting With Intent

You may be forgiven for assuming the mind plays the biggest part when it comes to manifesting your dreams. Not so. The mind is good for many things, but when it comes to manifestation, it is not. The subconscious is where the magic happens.

How to Bypass the Rational Mind to Manifest What You want

It’s key to understand the mind’s part in the process. We must set a clear intention when we make the decision to shift into another timeline, or manifest if you prefer. Clarity is important. If we are not clear, then the subconscious has no clear instruction to follow. It will go with whatever we give it. If we give it wishy washy, we get…wishy washy.

To find that all important clarity think about what you want. The ultimate outcome and not the process. When you feel it, how does it feel? Does it feel improbable, impossible, unlikely, surrounded by contradictory circumstances? Anything that manifests as resistance?

Don’t worry, there is always a solution to resistance. We just need to tweak the intent a little. For example, when my son and his girlfriend were in the process of looking for a new apartment, Chloe asked me to manifest the one they really wanted for them. I agreed but soon realised resistance was present. This was due to the fact that their circumstances were not the most favourable. As soon as I feel resistance, I look at tweaking the intention over ridding myself of the resistance. It’s way quicker and this was a time crunch thing, so time was not on my side. Instead of intending they would get that particular place, I said ‘I intend they will get the perfect apartment that will suit their needs and make them happy.’ There. Zero resistance. I was not being too specific. This is important when manifesting. You don’t have to be specific to get what you want. So, it turned out they DID get that particular apartment even though many other people were in the running. It all happened very fast and now they are in!

Ignoring the Mind’s Chatter

We bypass the mind by not engaging with contradictory chatter. Let it be there, don’t force it out. What we resist persists in any case. If you don’t bother with your thoughts, they will soon stop bothering you. Whenever you set an intention be clear. Be precise when it comes to the outcome but leave the how’s and when’s to reality. Let it bend for you. Don’t try to bend it with your mind. It won’t happen. The backwards law suggests that the greater force we use, the more whatever it is pulls away. Just think of chasing a specific person. You chase after them internally or externally and they are gone. Fleeing from you due to your own force. Apply the Jedi force instead. Select your desire and collect it by leaving it to your subconscious mind and reality 🙂

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