How to Manifest Using This Law
The Law of Assumption suggests that you already feel as if you have your desire. By doing so, you allow your subconscious and reality to conspire to bring it to you in the 3d.
Let’s say you want a particular job. You have no idea how that job might come your way, you cannot see any sign of it in your current reality, but you ignore this and go about feeling like you already have the job. But surely that’s called delusion isn’t it? Some might call it that, but if you can practise feeling ‘as if’ without burdening yourself with the delusional vibe, you are starting to experience this in your life. Reality has already started to move to accommodate that feeling.
Using The Law of Assumption the Wrong Way
Of course, there is no right and wrong in the eyes of the universe, but without realising it, we often use this universal law against ourselves. We make assumptions about things, we assume a person feels a certain way about us, we tell ourselves they aren’t bothered, they don’t care, they never put themselves out for us. So, they never put themselves out, they appear to be unbothered by us, they seem dismissive of us….but we created that version. We made it so reality has to show us a 3d where this seems real. I say seems real.
It’s my considered opinion that we get a reality where this ‘seems’ to be the case. It doesn’t mean that this is really what is going on in their heads. We just must be shown pictures that correspond to what we think they feel.
Can You Win the Lottery With the Law of Assumption?
This is the question I am often asked, second only to manifesting a specific person. How do you win the lottery using this universal law?
First of all, do you have a real desire to win the lottery? I ask this, because my husband once asked me ‘Why haven’t we won the lottery?’ and I had to have a think about it. Why hadn’t we? I came to the conclusion that I didn’t have any desire to win money. I preferred to make it through accomplishment. I was quite surprised at this fact about my inner desires. I really had no idea I felt this way. So, we do win the lottery from time to time. We pay via DD each month and for three months in a row we won almost £200. We win the sort of amounts I am comfortable with. I guess it’s because I am a person who very much needs a purpose and I have an unreasonable assumption that if I win lots of money, I will have lost my purpose, which right now is persuing my writing career further and more growth with my Youtube channel. Would I feel that motivation if I had a load of money in the bank? Anyway, I am working on this. I am dissolving the assumption that a large win will mean I have no purpose. It seems quite silly when I write it down!
Do you have a pure desire for it? Is there anything in direct contradiction to that desire? For instance, are you fearful of having a lot of money for one reason or another? Do you feel as if you don’t deserve to be rich or do you feel guilt for wanting to be? All of these things will hold you back. They are running on auto-pilot and will continue to run until you decide to dissolve them.
If you don’t have anything contradictory going on you are good to go! Let me also point out one very important fact: You do NOT need to believe you will win the lottery. Just by manifesting it, you already know it’s possible or you wouldn’t bother. This IS enough.

Manifestation Technique to Win Money
Create a snap-shot in your mind. See yourself holding a large cheque with the amount you’d like to win, or see your bank account credited with that amount. See it as a polaroid picture. Turn up the brightness, make it as vibrant as you can. Hold it in your mind’s eye for a minute or so and then let it go. Do this every night for 2 weeks. You can continue to do it for as long as you want. ONLY continue if it feels good to do so.
Okay, disclaimer time: This is not a guarantee that you will win the lottery. Manifestation depends on our inner state and everyone ‘feels’ differently. Just give it a go and see. There is no time guarantee with manifestation. You might decide to manifest something, and see it show up for you in 2 weeks or two years. There are lots of factors involved. You might feel that these things ‘take time’ on a deeper level, and so they will because this is the law of assumption!
I have found the trick is not to take this too seriously. Don’t pin all your hopes on anything. Use the law of assumption in a ‘give it a go’ sense. Do things on purpose, but don’t get hung up on outcomes. Detachment is key.
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