Evie Sparkes
Law of Attraction Coach & Author

Manifesting From an Observation Point of Lack

By Evie Sparkes, 2 weeks ago

Can You Still Manifest What You Want?

When I talk about an observation point, I am thinking in terms of quantum. What we see depends on our current viewpoint. If your point of view is ‘I don’t have this.’ or ‘Manifesting this is so tough.’ or ‘I never get the things I really want.’ you are manifesting from that point of view. You have set your observation point and it in no way corresponds to your desire.

So, the answer is YES we can manifest from a point of lack, but only what is on the frequency of lack. Of course, the most obvious thing to appear on that frequency is lack! We are always manifesting our reality, but most often, we are not manifesting what we want. We get what we want when we decide to change our viewpoint, our observation point.

How Do We Change Our Observation Point?

We first get clear on what it is. Where are we right now? What are we feeling mostly on the subject. That is your point of reference. Once we know what that is, we look at the discrepancy between that and the desire. I like to call this the manifestation gap. If the gap is wide it needs closing or narrowing.

Any change in viewpoint will result in a new version of reality. No change = same old, same old. As I say a lot, we cannot change something if we don’t change something.

Start by changing your perception of 3d reality as it is right now. Go small at first. Think of your desire, then of the gap and come up with a few scenarios that close that gap slightly. Everything is as idea, an opinion on what we are seeing. That’s our perception only. Someone else might see the situation entirely or slightly differently. It doesn’t make you right and them wrong or vice versa. We all have a viewpoint based on past experiences. It’s called confirmation bias.

Tweak what you are telling yourself. Make it something you find plausible and then go with that. You will soon find the old viewpoint has been replaced. This new one will be dominant if you keep referring to it over the old useless one.

Evie Sparkes is a mindset and manifestation coach from the UK

Evie Sparkes - Mindset Coach

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